形容词: compassable 过去式: compassed 过去分词: compassed 现在分词: compassing 第三人称单数: compasses
形容词: compassable 过去式: compassed 过去分词: compassed 现在分词: compassing 第三人称单数: compasses
1. 指南针;罗盘
A compass is an instrument that you use for finding directions. It has a dial and a magnetic needle that always points to the north.
e.g. We had to rely on a compass and a lot of luck to get here.
2. 圆规
Compasses are a hinged V-shaped instrument that you use for drawing circles.
3. 界限;范围
If something is within the compass of something or someone, it is within their limits or abilities.
e.g. Within the compass of a normal sized book such a comprehensive survey was not practicable.
1. 罗盘仪:直线定向( line orientation )的定义:确定地面直线与标准方向间的水平夹角. 真方位角--可用天文观测方法或用陀螺经纬仪 (gyro theodolite) 来测定. 磁方位角--可用罗盘仪(compass)来测定. 不宜作精密定向.
2. 圆规:拉下红色的控制杆,中间的门便开了,用撬棍撬开右下角的抽屉(Drawer),取出圆规(Compass) 、地图(Map)和微型胶卷(Micro Film)后离开,回到大楼里. 江森来到图书馆里,欲用馆里的微型胶片阅读机看胶卷,但图书馆里值班员莫顿小姐(Miss Morton)正当班.
3. compass
3. compass:comprehensive assembly language; 综合汇编语言
4. compass什么意思
4. compass:computer for advanced spare systems; 用于高级储备系统的计算机
1. cast a compass : 兜圈子, 绕道, 转弯抹角, 扯得很远;
The Caspian Sea is in compasse neere three thousand miles.
出自:T. HerbertEngland, whose desolation is thus sought and compassed.
出自:J. L. Motley